The Smart Label application was created to recognize and value the companies working correctly, committed to the quality of their products and the safety of their customers.Nothing beats teamworkImagine companies and customers working together with a common goal. This collaboration will ensure quality and safe products for all.Innovating surveillanceThe Smart Label application acts at the time of purchase, giving consumers identify conditions clandestine companies and value those working properly. In this way, inhibits irregular activity, raises the quality standard of the market.Retain and win new customersYour company appearing to potential customers at the exact moment they need you! A seal validated in application discloses important information of their service and company, to an interested person to make a decision.An irregular extinguisher generates more than loss of moneyPrevention is better before the worst happens! With the Smart Seal, you always hire trusted companies. When you receive your extinguishers, you easily identify a quality product, avoiding unnecessary risks.